
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Fight For Your Right -- or buy it at an auction. : The final bid for Grand Royal's assets was $65,000. Reserve not met. You can view the due diligence for the auction, including a complete list of assets. They had 51 lime green Luscious Jackson tees left as well as the "Agreement between Grand Royal Records, Inc. And Rhino Entertainment Company with respect to use of the song 'Fight the Power'" as well as tons of masters from Luscious Jackson, Scapegoat Wax etc.

Monday, February 23, 2004

User Review of Nufonix.com : Nufonix.com is something of a boutique music download store. In their words: “Nufonix is an independent digital music provider dedicated to bringing you the highest quality electronic dance music in mp3 format.” I stumbled across them linked from 12K.com – a very obscure ambient label. Nufonix features some out-of-print 12K stuff so I checked them out and made a few purchases. Some bullets about the experience The basics were promising, and I was pleased with that aspect of the service.

Some other elements needed some work. It was very difficult to browse the shop. Artist names are not hyperlinked – so getting full lists by artists while browsing was a chore. In fact, all lists had to be generated via the search box or the vague genres. There’s also no way to buy a full album – you have to add all tracks individually. That was annoying. Finally, the generic shopping cart software asked for my shipping address. This never inspires confidence when buying downloads.

I assume that they will work out the kinks in time if they last that long. The content they have is really, really niche. The most mainstream label they carry is probably Om Records. Who else would let you search for your favorite Drill n Bass or glitch/pulse downloads? But, I can’t complain since I was so excited to find out of print minimalist techno 12K stuff from Taylor Deupree -- the first artist I ever e-mailed back in '94. If you’re in the mood to get really out there, you could do worse than to support some artists by using Nufonix.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Delux_247 Would Like These : Now, I'm not one for bein' all flashy and all, but when I saw these, I was like these are all me, son!
Lyrics: Dizzee Rascal - Fix Up, Look Sharp : Did I understand even half of these words when I heard the song? Do I understand "Fuck the glitz and glamour, hey I'm with the Blicks and Gamma, because they're talking Black Russian," now? Nope.

DR Update: While "Fix Up" is giving North America a shot, they're already deep into the next single across the pond. Make sure you're up on "Jus' a Rascal" before anyone else by checking the video from XL. That's some mad speedy rappin', there son. Oiii! (P.s. ALL the videos on the XL site are pretty cool - worth a browse on a Sunday)

Sleepy Brown Video Link Needed : If anyone runs across a high-res video link for "I Can't Wait" by Sleepy Brown feat. Outkast, you'll be sure to let me know, won't you? I want something better than that weak-ass coffee on the Sleepy Brown site.
Namely Speaking: Dimmu Borgir : If I told you to forget everything you knew about black metal, most of you would probably not have too much trouble. You’d probably have trouble naming even one true black metal band. (Black Sabbath doesn’t count.) Well, you need to know one name now – Dimmu Borgir. [dih-moo bore-gear] This Norwegian outfit is to normal metal as a phalanx of M-1 tanks is to a Kia Sportage – with ridiculously expansive sound coming from a full orchestra, combined with incredibly tight riffs and out-of-this world arrangements, Dimmu Borgir is not so much a mere band as it is a legend in the making. The name itself comes from a unique area of lava fields east of Lake Mývatn (cool pics) and – it translates roughly as “dark castle”.

The odd thing about DB is how well-financed they seem. The production of their album couldn’t have been cheap and their video looks rather expensive as well. (It’s recommended viewing – including higher-than-high-res versions.) I wonder if they are being backed by a secret cabal of satanic elite from the dark upper echelons of old Europe. It’s either that or modern production techniques are cheaper than ever.


Saturday, February 21, 2004

Beach Boy's lost album found : Well, maybe Brian Wilson's Smile wasn't so bad after all. Okay, where can we download it? Update: Here is a much more interesting write-up of the event -- a very engaging read, highly recommended. Plus, it confirms that a CD is on the way.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

M-Theory Profile : Seriously... it's a free registration for the San Diego Business Journal and you can read this profile on M-Theory, my local record shop. A nice compare-and-contrast against the bankruptcy of Tower.
Grey Tuesday : The protest over EMI's attempts to stop Danger Mouse's The Grey Album is coalescing into a 1-day free-for-all posting of the album. GreyTuesday.org advocates indie webmasters posting the tracks for download on Feb 24. -- or at least making your site grey all day.

My take is that EMI should license it, but this "protest" is probably not the best way to go about it. Why not sell the album for $8 and cut a check to EMI for what you think a fair royalty cut would be? Obviously that's much harder and gutsier, but I think it would be a much more sincere and meaningful statement. Of course if only 37 people bought it, you wouldn't have much of a story... but those are the sort of numbers that the copyright holder (EMI) has to look at when considering this kind of thing. They can't spend time licensing every request that comes across their desk. If this was licensed, how much would it sell? Giving it away for free will not be a good indicator of that -- and will possibly do more to hurt the cause of compulsory licensing.

Food for thought, I guess.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Joss Stone: Fell in Love With A Boy : The real Joss Stone video is finally out. I've seen it in Target, on MTV and on VH1 MegaHits. What do you think?
R.I.Y.L Back to Mine : The same masterminds who keep putting out the Back to Mine compilations -- where an important artist selects the tracks that they would play at their own cribs in an intimate afterparty -- have realized the allure of celeb-generated lists and so they have started the Under The Influence series -- where important artists select the old school tracks with biographical meaning for them.

It's a smart move to enlist these names to sell otherwise nondescript catalog tracks. The tracks are probably owned by other labels, but hopefully, DMC gets the songs cleared for reasonable rates, and they can make a few bucks off fun project and interesting projects.

I have been meaning to check out the Morrissey collection for Under the Influence and these other names look interesting as well. I will admit that the past few BTM comps have started to feel a little jumbly, a little ephemeral -- they are interesting the first listen, but you dont want to repeatedly listen to familiar old Cure tracks. The first ones were cool because the tracks were obscure and were new to me. The Audio Bullys' edition had too many tracks that I already knew from the old days that I dont need to hear more than once every 12 months. I have yet to pick up Death in Vegas' BTM.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

And the Oscar Goes To... Pro-Tools! : [jennifer garner]Software maker Digidesign scored an Academy Award this year for the ubiquitous audio editing suite known as Pro-Tools. The Scientific and Technical Awards are mercifully kept seperate from the bigger name prizes, but the ceremony will be broadcast on February 29 and be hosted by Jennifer Garner. Tune in to see film techs drool. "The audience cheered loudly whenever she pronounced a particularly daunting technical term properly." Gosh, that sounds exciting.
Cash Family Won't Let Song Be Used for Ad : Jason R. passed along this big Johnny Cash news: Ring of Fire will not be used in a Preparation H ad as previously reported. "'We would never allow the song to be demeaned like that,' Cash's daughter, Rosanne, told the Tennessean of Nashville, Tenn."
More Trouble For Andre 3000 : Polaroid to Outkast fans: Shaking it is bad, bad, bad. Scandalous!

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Grey Album Found : It will probably get lawyered down soon, but kudos to illegal-art.org for posting 12 tracks of the Grey Album by Danger Mouse. I can't confirm 12 tracks is the whole thing, but there you go (The Black Album has 14 tracks, but some are "interludes".) 192 kbps MP3s. Grab and share, people. I'm listening to it now, and it's really interesting stuff. And, in no way does it hurt the Beatles or EMI - none at all - and any law that claims that it does is counterproductive to creativity.
AP Wire | 02/13/2004 | CBS apologizes for OutKast performance : CBS apologizes for OutKast performance even though it shouldn't have. This hypersensitivity really needs to stop. Outkast made no value judgments, did not portray anyone negatively, made no claims about a group of people. I am outraged at the outrage of groups like the Native American Cultural Center -- who called for a boycott of CBS.

The original NACC statement said "“It was the most disgusting set of racial stereotypes aimed at American Indians that I have ever seen on TV,” said Sean Freitas, a board member of NACC. “It was on par with white people dancing sexually in black face, or yarmulkes, or the vestments of the Catholic Church. I am shocked and outraged.” Clearly, Mr. Freitas has not watched much TV, especially any music video in the last decade which shows perople of the same ethnicity behaving is a much more lascivious nature without any sort of stylized dress reminiscent of Native American vestements. If anything, the participants in the Grammy performace were more restrained than usual. Clearly, to call it "most disgusting set of racial stereotypes aimed at American Indians that I have ever seen" is purely disingenuous and insulting to victims of real stereotyping and real racism. I would like to know how, exactly, a joyful dance in celebration of a big win will make people think that all Native Americans are somehow denigrated.

Unfortunately, this pitiful boycott call does more to damage racial legitimate sensitivity than Outkast's silly performance. All it does is stultify any real discussion of issues and media criticism and turn it into a knee-jerk reactionary exercise in intractibility. It's just sad.

Late on the Grey Album : I'm bummed that I am late on The Grey Album. I snooze, I lose. I should have already heard it ... but now it's going to be tough to track down: "Music critics dubbed the record, which piled the words from rapper Jay-Z's Black Album on top of the rhythms and chords from the Beatles' legendary White Album, an instant classic. File traders turned the remix into an Internet hit. The few thousand copies printed suddenly went from novelties to must-have collectors' items."

Friday, February 13, 2004

Ghosts of MP3.com : Didja see this? Michael "MP3.com" Robertson is now selling indie music from the Lindows Click-N-Run warehouse (nominally a software-for-Lindows site). Emily Richards was a top artist on MP3.com. Most former MP3.com artists seem to revile Robertson as a weasely opportunist, but I think he did great things for online music and che would clearly like to see good things happen for indie artists.
Green Apples: Mac Gets Musicmatch-envy : Macworld Editors' Notes Weblog: Artist on Demand and Artist Match were so cool, I was surprised that Apple hadn't thought of it. Here's how it works: You do a search for your favorite artist and Musicmatch gives you the option to play all songs by that artist (Artist on Demand) or play songs by that artist and all similar artists (Artist Match).

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Sales Tax Coming Soon : Next week, Dell is going to start charging sales tax in California. If you are putting off a Dell PC or Dell DJ purchase you might want to order it this weekend. 15GB Dell DJs are $199 today.
Norah Jones on Weblisten : Even the goofy Spanish download site Weblisten has Norah Jones. Though if you buy these downloads, you get standard MP3 files in 192kbps instead of annoying DRM-hindered WMA or AAC That's a solid call.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

DJ Tatiana : For the record, I completely support DJ Tatiana Alvarez. Funky Tribal & Progressive House? Errr yeah ok whatever. Sure. Great! (Hint: see "Promo Files" link or check your magazine stand in late March...)
Coachella Reservations : Travel arrangements give me a headache! Is this place any good? I don't even know. I like the name: The Lodge at Rancho Mirage. I need a place to stay for Coachella though. Orbitz has a deal for The Lodge...
Expensive Storage : SimpleTech announces 8GB CompactFlash card -- only $5999. Why? Why?!
Original Radio Drama : Wow for creativity and the freedom that a lot of capital can bring. XM satellite radio will be producing original radio drama. That's pretty out of the blue for a content offering. I doubt it will make money, but kudos to them for greenlighting an original idea. The Mob Hits program will weave into their 50's channel and use the music as part of the crime drama audio program."Featuring performances from Sinatra, Vale, Martino, Clooney, Sammy, Martin, Darin.. and many other top headliners of the 50's! Plus vintage live performances never heard before on radio! " The more I think about it, the more I wish I could be a part of something like that real merchandising creativity. Once again -- claps for XM.
Monster, Interrupted : The release date for the soundtrack to Monster has been pushed back to March 9. I'm not pleased. The special 2-disc set still looks enticing. Check the details. I'll probably place my order today -- autographed no less. How could I be a fanboy without it? Update: Literally while I was posting this item, the soundtrack disappeared from the store. What??? Maybe a lot of hits from the BT Newsletter is causing trouble? I'll keep checking... Up-Update: The link works again. Nobody cares.
Critical Love-Fest: Pazz & Jop 2003 : The Village Voice polled 732 hip music critics to come up with the 30th (or 31st) Pazz & Jop 2003 Critics' Poll. There is enough good stuff here to waste a whole day reading. Lists, essays, comments... everything that makes rock journalism great and unbearable. Check it out.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

No Doubt Tour Info : Crap! No Doubt's summer tour is with blink-182. I don't think I could stand going this time. Sorry, Gwen. Hint: The No Doubt mailing list has presale passwords. Their last tour with Garbage was one of my all-time faves.
Victimless Crime? Tower Loses : A great article in the L.A. Times (free registration required to read) talks about Tower's demise and it's unique history as a chain store that's still cool. These stores were such a part of my life growing up, so it's tough to watch them struggle. From the piece: "'It's a touchstone. It represents community and even a sense of integrity,' said Grammy-winning music producer Rick Rubin, using terms applied more often to beloved indie radio stations or rock bands."
Music For a Relaxing Tuesday :
On behalf of our friends at Azuli & Whoa Music, we have the pleasure of delivering you four audio gems, taken from the LateNightTales compilation series, this latest brought to you by those master songsmiths, Turin Brakes, including an Exclusive Turin Brakes cover version of a Rolling Stones classic, "Moonlight Mile". Stream in Windows Media or Real Audio:

o Turin Brakes - "Moonlight Mile" WM * RAM
o JJ Cale - "Magnolia" WM * RAM
o Silver Jews - "Send In The Clouds" WM * RAM
o Dave Palmer - "Speed Trials" WM * RAM

Seriously, check out the Brakes track. It's amazing.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Bust a Move : Le Tigre is going to be at Coachella 2004! Before we go see them, we have to practice this dance so we can look so totally cool at the show!

Friday, February 06, 2004

Your Milkshake Order Is Ready : Greg G writes "Michael, could you please transcribe the lyrics to Kelis' 'Milkshake' by EOD today? We're having some customers complaining that the lyrics are a bit confusing." No prob: Kelis Milkshake lyrics
: Smile: There are those among you who should read this Slate commentary by Jeff Turrentine: "Why Brian Wilson should leave the unfinished Beach Boy masterpiece Smile alone."
: Free Is Good: Bay Area Ska: "IT'S F%#@ING FREE D@MMIT! Download and create your own D.I.Y. F.F. B.A.S. v. 2, ya slacker. Here's everything you need to make your own copy."

Thursday, February 05, 2004

: Where's My Powerball? USATODAY.com reports that Tower Records is seeking Chapter 11 protection. I would really, really like to buy Tower Records. I think it's a job I could be happy in - owning a record store chain. I know business is tough and all, but I think I'd get a lot out of it. So, I need to play the lottery this week...

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

: Viral: There's a new blog covering the business of digital music called nthoctave. I was amused by this post about howthe CEO of SonyMusic thinks lawyers are slow to get the digital music biz. From my experience, lawyers simply exist to spawn more lawyers. They are a virus on a very macro level. The parallels to the microscopic world are uncanny. Once a host entity grows large enough, they either generate lawyers or are taken over by another entity that has lawyers. Lawyers then send letters to new entities requiring them to generate more lawyers. Any effect, good or bad, they have on the system is merely incidental. Sometimes they protect an idea from theft, other times they clog the ecosystem with paper. Feh.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

: Oiiiiiii: Rock! Hits linked to the cool Dizzee Rascal video for "Fix Up, Look Sharp" while noting that Beggars has already shipped 60,000 copies of the disc in anticipation of sales. 60K!! I will be shocked if this record -- which I love -- sells 20K. I will be checking him out at Coachella, too. You going?

Monday, February 02, 2004

: Not Up To Speed: I didn't read the whole thing, but here is a pretty nuts and bolts review of Apple's GarageBand done by Ars Technica. I skipped to the end to the end to find this seemingly disappointing fact: "The only option for mix down is exporting an uncompressed 16-bit AIFF [...] (pro apps are all in the 24-bit realm these days)."
: Madlib Invasion: It's mad fun on the BBC when Madlib sits in for Gilles Peterson this week on Worldwide. The show should be available for a couple more days of grooving. I also saw on Fark.com that the version of RealOne on the Beeb's site is supposedly spyware-free. I can't confirm that, but it seems plausible.
: Janet: Greg G sums it up when he says "Americans are lame - we see half a boob on tv and the whole country goes into shock." (No link to this story - you have plenty already, I'm sure.)
: He Moves Units: Elvis Presley is now the Best Selling Solo Artist In U.S. History. He just doesn't quit. New audits result in 15 new gold & platinum certifications.