
Friday, April 30, 2004

Addiction Indulged : Keeping up with new music can be addicting. But, why? What is it about kniowing good bands before anyone else does? Why is it thrilling to hear a band on the radio that you knew about 6 months previously? I mean, it's never been that humanity has prized knowledge as much as it has prized ability. I thought maybe it was just me, but almost everyone likes to name drop bands that they were into before they got big. I guess thousands of years ago, if you knew that ferocious lions liked to spend the spring time un a certain ravine, you had an advantage over your clueless rivals... and foresight was thus afforded a certain prestige and value. Or, something.

All I know is that I recently got a DVR (like a TiVo but from the cable company directly) and now I am all a-flutter that I can tape MTV's Advance Warning show and CNN's Music Room. MTV you might expect to have a good new music show, so this is expected, byt CNN's show is shockingly in touch with what's coming down the pipe. I mean, the Music Room's theme song is a Photek remix of Zero 7. Wow. I just learned from AW that Butterfly Boucher is pronounced "Boo-chur", not "Boo-shay". By the way, she's hotter on tape than in pics.

Anyway... I have Coachella this weekend, so I'll get plenty of new music rush firsthand. Cheers!